Emotion Over or Under-Regulation

  • Reading time:8 mins read

Many problematic patterns in living are related to either under-regulating or over-regulating emotions. Over time, habits of over or under-regulating our emotions can cause problems in our relationships and can contribute to depression and anxiety. Read on if you'd like to find out more about over and under-regulation. Where is your default? How is this impacting your life?

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Working with Emotions

  • Reading time:12 mins read

Emotions are more than a feeling—they are a complex system of interactions between mind, body, and environment. This involves things around us, our interpretations, body postures, facial expressions, and many other factors. We can learn to understand how to work with emotions instead of only reacting or suppressing, we unlock a powerful way to connect with what matters most. Then we are free to pursue our individual purpose with effectiveness and clarity.

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Ask Wise Mind

  • Reading time:3 mins read

Wise mind is the balance between "reasonable mind" and "emotion mind." Most of us naturally tend toward one end of that spectrum. For me, I default toward reasonable mind and…

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Read more about the article Emotion Regulation
Goals of Emotion Regulation

Emotion Regulation

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Emotions are at the heart of so much of what we experience as meaningful - both the painful and the pleasant. Emotion regulation requires us to practice non-judgmental awareness of…

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Domains of Change

  • Reading time:12 mins read

In their book, Change Anything, researchers describe findings from a study in which they tested factors that influence high school students’ behavior as it relates to financial decision-making.  High school…

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